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Oct 15, 2015

Case Study: Medac Continues to Choose Teleco

Sponsored Content provided by Joey Stone - General Manager and Vice President , Teleco

Medac Health Services is an urgent care provider that operates four locations in and around Wilmington, North Carolina. Medac provides high quality medical care for those who either do not have a primary care physician or whose primary care physician is not available when care or treatment is needed. Medac’s services include treatment of non-life threatening injuries, physical exams, vaccination and diagnostics.

The Problem:

Medac Health Services was using a phone system that was incapable of transferring calls between clinics. At the time, Medac was only operating three locations, and its phone system was already a serious impediment. When Medac decided to expand again to a fourth location, it was clear that this impediment would have to be removed. According to Jeremy Pridgen, system administrator at Medac, “It was decided to replace our old, outdated system with one capable of interoffice transfers.”
The Solution:
Teleco of Wilmington, Medac’s trusted communications provider, was consulted for help. Teleco of Wilmington introduced the CEO of Medac to Star2Star Communications and set up a demonstration to show more. “Once we saw that the phone system had all the features that would allow us to transfer calls between facilities, park calls, forwarding and voicemail, we were hooked,” Pridgen said.

The Result:
The transition proved easy. “The installation process was painless. [Teleco] held classes to make sure that all the staff was comfortable with the new system and understood its capabilities,” he said.
Medac has been using a number of Star2Star’s features and services, including call parking, voicemail and call transfer (both internal and external). “We can get our patients in touch with their care provider in seconds, so they never slip through the bureaucratic cracks,” Pridgen said.
Star2Star has been a real success for Medac.

“Star2Star has been a boon to our company. It allows us to do our jobs with ease, and our patients NEVER receive a busy signal,” Pridgen said. "Star2Star has handled our telecommunications needs so well; our users never have anything to say about it. Rarely do you have a technology that works so well as intended that your users can’t think of any way to make it better.”
Joey Stone is currently the General Manager and Vice President of family owned and operated Teleco. Founded in 1983 as a full service telecommunications service provider, Teleco has partnered with Star2Star Communications to offer the latest in communications technology solutions and the latest Voice over IP technology. Joey and his team work with businesses of all sizes to customize systems for specific requirements from simple phone and voicemail systems to wireless networks and remote capabilities. To learn more about Teleco visit Joey is available for free demonstrations and consultations by calling (910) 791-7000.

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